Wise Money | Reckoning With Retirement What Ifs

Life is full of what ifs. While you can’t predict the future there are some steps you can take to soften the blow when a “what if?” becomes a “what now?” On this episode of Wise Money, Michael Andersen covers effective financial strategies to protect your savings against common what ifs.

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New Years and New Beginnings

As the clock ticks down on another year and we look toward new starts and new beginnings for 2019, figured taking a little time to think about New Year’s Financial Resolutions would be worthwhile. 27% of Americans planned to make financial resolutions in 2018[i], if a fourth of the population thinks they should reassess their finances in the new year, then it’s probably a good thing to go over. Unlike a lot of yearly resolutions, we’d like to help you stick to and meet this one.

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