Preparing for Retirement: Dying at Your Desk is Not a Plan

retirement planning
When it comes to retirement, like many things in life, timing is everything.

Across America, many Boomers are wrestling with the question of when to leave the working world behind. Retire too early and you risk outliving your nest egg; wait too long and you may never get to enjoy retirement at all. It’s a complicated decision, to say the least, and one that is causing many would-be retirees to choose inaction – they simply continue to work without tackling the difficult decision of when to stop. Below are four common reasons workers put off making the decision of when to retire.

Fear of Not Having Enough

The sad truth is, many workers aren’t retiring because they are paralyzed by the fear of not having enough money for their monthly expenses. Unfortunately, many of them may be right. Recent data shows that 64 percent of Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. Many Baby Boomers have spent years planning to rely on whatever they’ll get from Social Security, only to wake up as they near retirement age and realize they should have been supplementing their monthly retirement income with cash savings and smart investments, too.

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How to Avoid Retirement Tax Surprises

Retiring can come with some expensive surprises. To avoid getting hit with unexpected expenses when you retire, financial advisors suggest planning as far in advance. Even if you are just about to retire, there are a few tips that can save you a lot of money and headaches when you file your taxes. Since nearly half of retirees wish they had been better prepared for the jump in taxes in retirement. 1 in 4 says they paid thousands more than they anticipated, getting educated can be a real wallet saver. This is truer than ever for the upcoming retirees, as they are more likely to use tax-deferred options, like 401(k)s, as a main source of income.

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Financial Goals Might be a Myth

Marathon runners do not train and plan for the sole experience of standing on the finish line. The process, the training and the overall journey from beginning to end are all part of it. Knowing that hard work and effort paid off and a goal was accomplished, that is a remarkable feeling. Treating your retirement goals like a marathon, you work hard, you keep going and when you reach the finish line, all that time and labor pays off—you have the money you need to live the life you want. That’s a wonderful feeling.

Let’s do an exercise.

Close your eyes and try to picture your own funeral. Who is there? Who gets up to speak? Are you proud of your achievements and the life you led?

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Staying Active in Retirement

The time you’ve been working, planning, and saving for has finally arrived! You’re retired. You can travel, you can spend time with your spouse, you can attack that bucket list. After a short time though, you may find the excitement of this new chapter ebb and the reality of how much actual time you have in a day. If like a lot of us, you’d spent most of your adult life working and/or chasing kids, the lack of a schedule may prove a little more challenging than expected.

This is why it’s so important to stay active in your retirement. Active, in this case, is not just exercise, though that is definitely a major factor, but also active socially and in your community. Social connections, friendships and having reasons to get out the door, outside, and into the world keep us healthy and happier into retirement.

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Retiring With a Purpose: Knowing What You Want When You Retire

What Do You Do?

The question that used to be answered so easily now gives you pause. You spent a lifetime working, defining yourself in part by your occupation. But now that you’ve retired, that most basic question has become a minefield. Finding a simple answer for who you are now is not so easy. Who are you if you aren’t working? If you are no longer the doctor, or lawyer, or professional? When you can’t reduce your identity down to a single occupation as an explanation. What new word can you use to encapsulate who you are and what you do? When “I’m retired” doesn’t roll comfortably off the tongue, then it’s important to examine why. You’re retired now and it’s up to you to define what that means.

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What does your risk profile really say about you?

The stock market can be volatile. This we all know. If you were investing in 2008, then you know precisely how upsetting it can be when the volatility means big losses. So, imagine a day when one of your equities drops by 40 percent in mere minutes. On August 24, 2015, this happened. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) declined about that much only minutes after the opening bell rang.

What would your reaction be if you had owned one of those ETFs? Would you:

  • Sell it at the loss and move it into a money market or bond?
  • Take the opportunity to buy given the low stock price?
  • Do nothing?

This is not a cautionary tale but rather an exercise in fastidiousness or, at the very least, awareness of who you are as an investor and what that means for your portfolio strategy.

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Want More Success? Play More Golf.

Successful people often feel as though they should always be working no matter what else they are doing. This is especially true for those in C level positions and business owners. If you asked yourself how many times you have shaved a few hours off of a good night’s rest to get more done, the answer would probably be countless. If you thought about how often you have skipped out on a leisure activity like a nice round of golf to put more time in at the office, you might get melancholy just thinking about how many times that has happened. It just so happens that sleep and golf may be two of my favorite things which is why, when I came across a study that touted the benefits of these two activities, I needed to share with our readers.

Working on Too Little Sleep? You May as Well Be Drunk.

We often correlate long days and late evenings with success at work. And while there is no doubt that extended hours are typically the practice of successful entrepreneurs and business people, it is important that you are getting enough sleep too. We need sleep to recharge our batteries. Lack of sleep promotes a lack of clarity, poor decision making, and ultimately, poor health.[i]

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How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?

You may be better prepared than you think. Find out where you stand.

If you search “retirement readiness” on your favorite search engine you will come across a great many articles that tell of the lack of preparedness of current and future generations and that everyone is drastically underinformed on what they need to do to find security in their retirement plans. But is that really true? Are people really as unprepared as the headlines suggest?

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Why Your Retirement is Like a Startup

What do Retirement Planning and Starting a Business Have in Common? Mistakes can cost you…big time.

If you read articles from magazines like Fast Company or the Economist, you will have come across stories of poor decisions made by startup entrepreneurs that have tanked their lofty endeavors. You might read the story and think “How could someone be so naïve?” but hold your judgment for a moment and ponder your own financial decisions. Planning for retirement is as big a deal as starting a business and generations that are nearing or in retirement seems wrought by the same naiveté as those idealistic startup owners.

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How Will You Spend Down Your Retirement?

We talk a lot about saving for retirement. Where to invest your money, what vehicles will help you maximize your savings, what investments will lead you to your retirement goals. While all of these discussions are extremely important, it is equally critical to plan for how your money will be spent throughout your retirement.

Withdrawing money from different types of accounts requires a strategy in order to maximize the assets that you have worked so hard to acquire. There are tax implications and unrealized growth potential that require attention and planning to both save your money and help it continue to grow long after you stop working. Here are some helpful considerations that can help you enjoy your retirement with longevity and confidence.

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